Custom Exchange Programs

Let us design a custom exchange program for you!


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 Whether you want to host a virtual or in-person program that connects people around the world with the work you do, Utah Global Diplomacy can design and implement a custom program that meets your program objectives. 

Utah Global Diplomacy is Utah’s leading nonprofit in developing international relations between the people of Utah and other nations.  With more than 50 years of experience, we have partnered with private companies, universities, government offices, and nonprofit organizations to connect international visitors including global leaders, professionals, and youth groups with their local counterparts, fostering relationships that connect individuals around the world.

We work directly with each client to determine their needs and objectives and design a customized plan for their virtual or in-person program. This plan includes creating a timeline, arranging logistics, and managing all programmatic aspects of both virtual and in-person programs.

A sample of our services include:

  • Coordinating professional meeting speakers and locations
  • Coordinating fellowships
  • Vetting fellowship hosting companies
  • Composing itinerary documents
  • Providing virtual platform hosting, facilitation, and technical support
  • Maintaining virtual meeting recordings
  • Arranging travel and hotel accommodations
  • Coordinating and hosting meetings, dialogues, panel discussions, trainings, workshops, cultural activities, and other public and private events.

Our fees are based on the level of service provided, the number of international guests, and the length of the program. See our Capacity Statement for additional details.

Additional services? We also provide classroom (high school through college) and workplace global competency and citizen diplomacy training, and we facilitate diplomacy simulations.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today to discuss your needs and get a budget estimate.